Thursday, September 22, 2011

Are you a 'Why Baby'?

Even when your faith is weak or you haven’t gotten your own way you still have Jesus in your heart but do you deny His Word and His truth in the process?

"At least I can take comfort in this: Despite the pain, I have not denied the words of the Holy One." Job 6:10 (NIV)

How many of us can honestly say the very words that Job said? That we have not denied the words of the Holy One? Not many. Most of us come up against even the slightest bit of adversity and we’re the first ones crying “Why me, God? I just don’t understand. This isn’t fair.”

I can honestly say that I am not a “cry baby” who whines at the slightest bit of neither adversity; nor am I what I call a “why baby” who cries out to God “why me?” every time something goes differently than she expects. I’ve faced many of the very same things you have thus far in life: Infertility, surgeries (23 to be exact), physical and emotional pain, cancer, loss of loved ones…typical life occurrences for most people. But I’ve been blessed throughout my life to know that I don’t have a right to say “Why me, God?” because He has also blessed me in ways I can’t even fathom or imagine that I deserve.

I once heard someone say many years ago that if you don’t ask God “Why me?” when He blesses you then you have no right to ask the same question when adversity and pain comes your way. But above and beyond that, we have no right to call on Him when we’re in pain, seeking His help to then only turn our backs on Him, His Word and His plan when we don’t get our own way.

I see many men and women deny His existence when they aren’t getting their own way. It’s such an easy thing to do. Whether I am in pain or not, getting my own way or not, I cannot deny His Holy name or His Word…or His call on my life. Though it may be a struggle to get through the pain at times, I know He has a plan and I will honor Him as I take the path He’s called me to. I pray you will reflect on the life of Job and realize that you indeed are blessed…and work not to deny The Holy One.

So what is true suffering and affliction? When you suffer do you lack faith in the midst of it?

During a time when it seemed every part of my life was going haywire – along with my brain and my body - it took me a bit of time meditating before I finally stopped trying to conjure up my own ideas on the matter to look up the word affliction. It means: “The cause of great pain or distress; great suffering.” And as soon as I read the definition I calmed down. The reality that hit me was that I was not actually suffering. When I think of suffering I imagine Jesus Christ on the cross, dying for my many imperfections and sins. My small troubles, aches and pains and procedures were nothing compared to his bruised, broken and bleeding body that He willingly allowed to be put on the cross for me.

We tend to think that if we aren’t getting our own way very much then we must be way outside of God’s will…Lots of churches teach that if you aren’t healed instantly, rich by the time you’re 40 or in a great marriage or are unable to have kids then you have a faith problem. But His plan IS best for us – whatever it is and whatever His timing is. It’s our faith that is usually small and the eyes of our hearts see things ‘human sized, not God sized’.

At times we tend to place our level of thinking and feelings onto God; as if His plan for us could be no greater than anything a mere human being could dream up. We expect such small things from a really big God at times, don’t we? I mean, think about; how much do you truly trust this amazing God who created the stars and the moon and breathed life into every living thing? How great do you think He can be and will be to you? I didn’t think He would treat me so wonderfully back then. But again, I was looking at Him through small eyes and a small measure of hope.

“…we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given you.” Romans 5:3-5 (NIV)

Trials in life, pain in our heart and in our body and even tragedy can all teach us varied degrees of perseverance. Every situation that comes our way which causes us to have to work harder, dig deeper into our hearts for hope and to see things from just a little bit different perspective can help develop within us a level of perseverance that comes closer and closer to that of Jesus Christ’s.

I’ve known for many years that as long as there was purpose in my pain...whatever pain it is, then there is hope. Without perseverance I would not know the hope of Jesus Christ and His plan for my life. Praise God for the sufferings we endure to know Him and be able to draw close to Him.

If you have faith rather than fear then you will not count your sufferings as great compared to His. Does your fear keep you from moving forward where He wants you to go? Does fear push out your faith or squash it at times?

Fear is not the opposite of faith. A person can have much faith but sometimes still feel fear. Fear stems from believing a lie. Where there is truth, the lies are exposed. Through truth our darkness has light piercing through it. Faith is rooted in knowing the truth. Growing your faith happens when you seek truth in all areas of your life. So faith means going forward, believing, doing and living even though you may still have fear at times. Faith is believing without having to see the outcome before you. Where is your level of fear today? What are you afraid of? Seek the truth, expose the lies, the assumptions and ‘what if’s’ that bog your brain down.

Peter was brave enough at first to ask the Lord to help him come out onto the water but then he looked around, taking his eyes off Jesus and he became afraid, plunging into the water. Fear often times keeps you hunkered down inside the boat, unwilling to step out on to the water. The truth was that Jesus wasn’t going to let Peter drown. Peter just had to believe and see this truth. Once he dared to look around and let his brain take over with what were surely “what if’s”…”What if the water doesn’t hold me? What if Jesus lets me go?” then he did indeed fall, due to his fear.

Don't cower, intimidated by the storm, taking your eyes off Jesus. Have faith in the One whose hands can calm the storm and walk you across the water! Besides, if a storm is raging, you're going to get wet either way! You might as well be holding His hand in the midst of it and praising Him while you do so.

"He personally bore our sins in His (own) body on the tree (as on an altar and offered Himself on it), that we might die (cease to exist) to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed." I Peter 2:24 (Amplified Bible)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Dancing On Solid Ground

Over the past few years I’ve come to the place in my life where I'm tired of wasting time. I have cut out committees, groups I was leading and extra activities I hastily agreed to participate in that mean little or nothing to me. I have simplified my life.

I have prayed for God to reveal to me the things I need to know to stay on the path He has for me…the good and the bad; about myself, those around me and His truths. And He continues to prove to me over and over (though He doesn’t need to) that He is in control and He is faithful even when I am not.

In cutting out the complicated, time-sucking, energy-draining excess of life I have discovered a renewed pleasure in my friendships, family relationships and quiet time with God. I have rediscovered talents, desires and joyful activities I had once forgotten about.

Now more than ever I long to sit and soak up the sunset, awe at the pinks that radiate from a bright yellow sun...and breathe deeply instead of gasp for air in a dead-heat to make it on time to my next worldly deadline.
I encourage you to make the space in your home or yard to set up your own little corner to pray, listen to music, paint, write or whatever is God has blessed you with that brings you closer to Him and closer to peace.
A good measure of my day is whether or not I have taken the time to hug my family, read God’s Word, pray more than a quick prayer, sing while I do dishes, write – even if only a few notes or an outline – and take time to play with my dog. (And every few days I work to take my living room by storm as I dance in my pajamas, sing at the top of my lungs and forget the world outside the windows.)

While it’s not highly likely you’ll see me drop to my knees and pray in the local grocery store, (though ya never know!) if you were a fly on the wall in my house you might just see me do that at any given point throughout the day. Without intimidation or fear holding me back, I am thankful to have faith in the middle of a world that is seemingly collapsing all around me.

I am so elated to not care one crumble of a cracker whether or not I cause someone else to roll their eyes at my proclamations of faith, joy and perseverance. If they don’t understand my faith then I’d be happy to share it with them. But I won’t keep it to myself if they ask me to contain it. It’s not something I can control. It just is… And so it is this very faith, that love of God and all He continues to teach me that I share with you. I pray it inspires you, encourages you and makes you see life from just a little bit greater, calmer, funnier, more peaceful place than you did before.

So if you were where I once was…on shaky, unsteady, fearful ground…Look up! Look within! Look to God. I finally sloshed out of the ever sinking-sand that threatened to pull me under and now I stand on solid ground. You can too…

Care to join me? I’ve found out that solid ground is a great place to dance!
~ Karen