Monday, November 19, 2012

Knowledge is...what???

My brother posted a comment on his Facebook once that said, "Knowledge is NOT power!" He stated this in the face of finding out some disturbing news about someone that he truly didn’t want to know. But his statement was very true. Too often in this power hungry, vanity-filled, idol-seeking world, we think that the more we know the more power we have. After all, if you know things about people, places and situations then you can control them and have power over them, right? Isn't that what Kings used to do? King Solomon certainly did way back in his day. Ecclesiastes 2 finds sad, old rich King Solomon lamenting over all the time he toiled his days away for nothing. He had much money, much power, much knowledge. In fact, he had many people at his disposal who also had much knowledge. But what did it get him? Nothing. All his so-called power, money and knowledge gained him nothing but folly. (foolishness).

Proverbs 24:5 tells us: A wise man is strong and a man of knowledge increases strength. Notice it doesn’t say that a strong man is wise. It doesn’t say that strength increases knowledge but rather that a wise man is strong and knowledge increases strength. We must seek after wisdom first and the discernment to know what knowledge we should attain.

Upon reading my brother's recent comment, this is what my response was:
Amen...knowledge is maddening, deafening, defeating, fleeting, easily obtained, easily bought, easily sold and definitely is NOT power...Wisdom is power!

Like Solomon, I too have spent many a day just toiling foolishly. But also like Solomon, praise God I learned that Wisdom is far greater than money, power or knowledge. For you can have all the knowledge in the world but if you do not have Wisdom to know what to do with it, when to retain it and how to discern what bits of knowledge are useful or vital, verses what bits are dangerous, deadly or untrue, then you actually render yourself completely powerless! The Father wants us to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit and that only comes through Wisdom.

For more inspiration check out WomanInspired on Facebook and click "Like".

Need a speaker for your women's retreat or conference? Check out Karen's topics, bio, statement of faith and books by clicking into her website at:

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Beyond the walls of fear

Have you ever lived with a wall of fear around you? A thick fog of fear that you cannot seem to see beyond? It's as if you're stuck there…You know you should be knocking that wall down but you don't have the strength to do so. So you stay within those walls. The walls can even be strangely comforting. You feel secure because they are familiar, habitual; consistent. Knowing that you have the walls of fear is one thing but the idea of not knowing how to exist without them is a whole different kind of frightening thought altogether and so you do not dare break them down to see if you can indeed live without them around you. You do not dare rid your life of them or of the very thing, person, feeling, events, relationships that helped to build them in the first place.

The resistance to break the walls down inherently comes from the sense of comfort in the middle of pain; a kind of comfort that only someone in the same position would understand. To others, that comfort looks disastrous, ridiculous, and even insane…for they see the dangers lurking. They see the future you might likely face if you stay where you are. But you cannot see beyond today or tomorrow. You have become comfortable in your pain – in your fears – because at least you know what to expect then. You know, at least at a reasonable rate, how to successfully deal with the wall of fear on a daily basis. It's your wall. You know every crack, every graffiti mark…every place where the wall has threatened to topple. So you let it stay.

But what happens when the walls close in on you – moving ever closer – smothering who you are? Stunting your growth and keeping you from becoming who you know you can become? Then what do you do? Lay in wait until the walls come so close that all God's light is blocked out completely? Becoming a dark, dreary, sorrowful shell of who you should be? Perhaps you are already a mere shadow of the person God meant for you to be by now. Perhaps the very dangers others see lurking are the ones you live with on a daily basis...and these dangers seem too daunting to tackle on your own and so you stay where you are - comfortable, though not comforted; secure in the habit, though not safe from the dangers..feeling unable to break free.

For many of us, that is our exact scenario. Perhaps the reasons for the walls vary amongst a thousand different stories, but the walls are the same. The story is familiar. The ending all too familiar for many. Will it be your ending as well? Or will you reach up through the last bit of existing light and grasp hold of God's hand – allowing Him to pull you through? Will you see beyond the walls to grab a life-saving hand of a friend and allow him to help you break the walls down?

You have to make the first move. The walls are impenetrable from the outside except by God. You must be the one who reaches up to accept the help. You must be the one that looks forward to the future…who sees beyond the walls to the outstretched hands of friends and loved ones...and you are the only one who can say Yes to life…No to fear….

You are the only who can lean on the Lord's promises that He will never leave you nor forsake you. You must be the one who decides that growing into the child God is calling you to be is more important than hanging on to your fear and to what you wish could have been inside those walls. Letting go of what might have been to see what truly is - that is part of the challenge. You can do that - with prayer and God's help - you can see the truth of the fearful walls you are living within. You can move into the Today He calls you to be in! Saying Yes is the very first step. You can do it…God will reach for you but you must take hold of Him and never, ever let go…
For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41 1:13


Living in fear? Need help transitioning into freedom and faith? Find out if Christian spiritual Life Coaching is for you. Go to
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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Have You Ever?

Have you ever...played that game that preteens and teenagers play called, "Have You Ever?" It's a pretty simple and silly game but with pretty profound effects. It puts more than a bit of pressure on those playing to come up with something from their meager years to brag about and see who else has not done it. It's basically a competition to see who can best the rest of the group. "Have you ever....kissed a boy you didn't know?" Have you ever....shoplifted?" Have you ever...smoked pot?" Not only can it offer a pull towards exaggeration and lying, it can also plant seeds about what someone else might think is 'cool' to do or awesome to try out!

I prefer a different version of the that is filled with hope and lessons for the Lord. It's more of a spiritual enlightenment or thought provoking kind of a "Have you ever.."

Have you ever....
Woken in the morning and gone straight to your knees in prayer?
Have you ever....
Been so filled with the power of the Holy Spirit that you could not contain your laughter?
Have you ever....
Cried until all your tears seemed to be gone? And felt the presence of God with you?
Have you ever....
Been so hurt by someone that your very soul seemed to ache...and yet forgiven him or her anyhow?
Have you ever....
Made a choice knowing precisely that it was the correct one...and felt peace like you had never felt before because you knew God must surely be pleased?
Have you ever...
Spent an hour just reading your bible...for the heck of it?
Have you ever....
Stopped and helped someone without asking for anything in return and not telling anyone else that you did it?
Have you ever....
Chosen to forego your own time, your own desires, your own order to help someone else or in order to give to someone else?
Have you ever...
Gotten completely silly? Danced in the rain? run barefoot in the grass? skipped down the street? threw water on a friend? put food coloring in your pancakes?
Have you ever...
Seen a soldier or a retired military person and just thanked him or her for their service to this country? Thanked them for continuing to fight to allow us to live in a country where we are free to worship our God and proclaim the name of Jesus without the punishment of death or political persecution?
Have you ever...
Loved someone so much that you put his or her needs and wants before your own?
Have you ever...
Had a friend you could truly trust with anything? And proved to him or her that you could be trusted just the same?
Have you ever....
Told someone else about Jesus? Witnessed to someone in a public bathroom? At the store? At church? To your neighbor? To a stranger?
Have you ever...
Thanked God for the good, the bad, the forgiveness, the grace, His word, the love, the family, the friends...that He blessed you with?

If you have not done any of the above, then I challenge you to start with your list today....You will not regret it. More importantly, He will bless you for it.


For more inspiration check out WomanInspired on facebook

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Don't be anxious about anything? Seriously?

"Do Not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:6-7 (NIV)

In Philippians it tells us that being in Christ will help guard our hearts and minds. When we allow ourselves to be immersed in Jesus Christ’s grace and love, then we are supplied with all the armor we need to keep falsehoods from taking us down to a place we don’t emotionally or mentally need to be…namely to a place of anxiety and worry.

I used to be a worry-wart of the worst kind. I would worry if I didn’t worry enough about something; afraid that if I didn’t worry then I didn’t care enough. Talk about a vicious worldly cycle that kept me from peace and from a good night’s sleep!

The older I get the more keenly aware I am of how I need to guard my heart and mind against worldly stimulus and materialistic ideas. As I seek to keep my identity in Christ the more Satan tends to creep up on me, trying to steal my quiet time and my peace. When I let my guard down or attempt to keep the world at bay all by myself, then I can see my gradual decline into worry, low self-esteem and even anger.

Is that you? Do you get anxious often? Panic-stricken? Worried? During hormonal times via PMS and menopause, those bouts of worry can easily become worse. As you’re hitting those low points I encourage you to be prepared. It’s not like you don’t know the signs that your period is coming, correct? It’s not like you don’t know you’re in menopause, right? Then be prepared…in and out of cycle, to seek His Word and spend additional time in prayer so you can guard your heart and mind for the times when your body effects your mindset, causing your anxiety to increase.

Not sure where to start? First of all, devotionals such as this are helpful but also taking time to mark passages ahead of time that you can easily turn to when you’re feeling anxious will help. Look in your Bible for scriptures that personally feel comforting to you on a regular basis that remind you of God’s truth…that you need not fear because God’s got everything in His hands. (Suggestions: 2 Timothy 1:7, 1 John 4:18, Psalms 27: 1-3, Isaiah 41:10)

For more encouragement, check out the 28 Days of PMS - Praising My Savior devotional for women.

Interested in LifeCoaching? Check out

For more information on Karen and how to book her to speak at your next women's event, go to

Friday, May 18, 2012

Refuge and refueling

“For in the day of trouble He will hide me in His shelter; in the secret place of His tent He will hide me; He will set me high upon a rock.” Psalm 27:5 (NIV)

There are days I want nothing more than to run and hide. Whether due to stress or emotions, there are days I just want to curl up in bed with the covers over my head. Those are the days I’ve learned that I need to seek God even more.

Some days there is no actual trouble I’m hiding from. Sometimes it’s just the world around me and the daily “to do” list that has me seeking shelter. In today’s culture women have even more titles than ever before: home-maker, bread-baker, seamstress, maid, taxi-cab driver, Mom, daughter, wife, care-giver, professional…add to that the tasks of balancing the household finances, volunteering at church and keeping up with all the little pieces of life in between and it’s no wonder so many women are worn out and empty-feeling.

If you’re tempted to retreat from life and all those responsibilities on a regular basis then I encourage you to immediately fall to your knees or rest your head for a moment as you close your eyes and seek God for that place of spiritual refuge. Even if it’s only for a moment or two, God can overcome your heart and your weariness with a fresh message from the Bible or just a whisper to your heart.

And then I encourage you to do what took me waaaay too many years to do: take time for yourself. Set up regularly built-in breaks for yourself. Take time to read, go to lunch, go for a walk or just pamper yourself. God-time and personal respite time will make all the difference in your daily life; whether your hormones are telling you that you do or do not, you DO deserve it.

Feeling like you’re Running On E’, check out the following book for inspiration and encouragement on how to fuel up the right way! Running On E’ (now available as an Ebook and on iTunes)

For more devotionals, check out 28 days of PMS ~ Praising My Savior

Seeking Christian Spiritual LifeCoaching and encouragement along the way? See

To schedule Karen for your next conference, retreat or ministry event, go to

Monday, May 7, 2012

Out of the flesh and into faith

“I waited patiently and expectantly for the Lord; and he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up out of a horrible pit (a pit of tumult and of destruction), out of the miry clay (froth and slime), and set my feet upon a rock, steadying my steps and establishing my goings. And He has put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many shall see and fear (revere and worship) and put their trust and confident reliance in the Lord.” Psalm 40:1-3 (Amplified Bible)

When God first gave me the idea for PMS – Praising My Savior – as a theme in my life, it seemed ridiculous to me but the more I spoke it out and shared it with other women the more His ideas resonated with me…and not just with me but with many other women as well.

In my twenties and early thirties I was so caught up in what my body was doing that I could barely think of anything else. I had chronic pain, infertility issues, many surgeries and subsequent depression due to my physical ailments and inconsistent periods. I surrounded myself with reminders that I was trapped in a body that didn’t work as I thought it should. I felt inadequate for not being able to have a child and I felt worthless as a woman.

In an attempt to make myself feel better and catch the attention of my husband in the midst of a failing marriage, I went on a radical diet. (If you could call it a diet, that is. I think you actually have to eat something most days to call it a diet!) I also took to exercising 2 and 3 times a day for more than an hour at a time. I thought for sure IF I’d lose weight then all my troubles would go away. I thought IF I would lose pounds then my marriage would be healed and I would feel more attractive.

I did indeed lose weight, drastically. I lost more than 30 pounds in one month. I also started to lose my hair, became dehydrated and my fingernails started to split and fall off. I became sicker than I’d ever been and I had to have my thyroid medication changed several times to keep up with the ways I was abusing my body. And it did nothing what-so-ever to fix my marriage or my self-esteem.

In the process of being so caught up in my flesh and my ‘woe is me’ attitude, I forgot about my relationship with the Lord. I had stopped praying; opting to take more time to exercise rather than having one-on-one quiet time with the Lord. As I faced another surgery, my wake-up call came and I realized that I hadn’t cried out to the Lord in quite some time.

Through some very personal tragic events and God’s prompting, I finally came back to Him…and He waited patiently, with open arms…expectantly. He set my feet more firmly on the path He wanted me on and this time I paid attention!

If you’re in that place, getting so caught up in what your body is doing, that you’re neglecting your spirit and who you are in the Lord, then you need to stop, drop and assess the toll your self-centeredness has taken on who you truly are. Go back to the basics: quiet time every single day with God and His Word. Get out of your flesh and back into His arms. When you do, He truly will put a new song in your mouth.

For more devotionals and inspiration check out “28 Days of PMS ~ Praising My Savior” or “Running On E’

For ebook formats check out iTunes: Womaninspired books

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Healing through Jesus Christ

"He personally bore our sins in His (own) body on the tree (as on an altar and offered Himself on it), that we might die (cease to exist) to sin and live to righteousness. By His wounds you have been healed." I Peter 2:24 (Amplified Bible) Healing has been an intense theme in my life since I was in my early twenties. I sought God out for healing from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, adhesions, bladder and kidney problems, hemophilia, a brain aneurysm, broken relationships, infertility…the list goes on. But truthfully I am no different than most women. We are each broken vessels that need to be healed. We were born into a sinful world, not of our own doing, and as we walk the path with Him or away from Him, healing is what most people seek. We may call it other things, such as: striving for success, seeking financial freedom, longing for love relationships or reaching for the stars but when it comes down to each of these things, what our heart cries out for is fulfillment through spiritual, emotional, mental or physical healing. If we feel the need to be better, greater, more fulfilled, then we must surmise that we are unfulfilled - empty or broken - in one or more of these areas. God’s Word tells us that Jesus died for our iniquities. He died for the places inside us that are broken. He died to heal the inner-most parts of who we are that feel broken and hurting. Out of those hurts we attempt to fill ourselves up with things of this world. Many of these pursuits involve sinful tactics and selfish actions to achieve a desired status or recognition. And from that selfishness we need forgiveness. But fear not, because if you seek Him you will find Him. If you ask for forgiveness, He will give it. And more importantly, you’ll have healing and fulfillment like you’ve never had before. Before you can truly be fulfilled or filled up to overflowing with God’s abundant life, you must first have your broken parts healed. A cup that has cracks in it won’t hold anything for very long, especially joy. For more inspiration, check out the book "PMS ~ Praising My Savior" A 28 day devotional for women. To schedule Karen for a speaking engagement go to

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Rejoice always?

“Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (NIV) I remember reading this scripture thinking; ”Seriously? As I’m doubled over in pain, the only think I am overflowing with is water retention, not joy! My ankles have now made my size 11 feet the equivalent to something Michael Jordan wears on the court and God wants me to be joyful over it?” But the more I focused on this scripture and prayed, the more I realized that God isn’t asking me to be thankful and jump for joy over bloating and mind-boggling cramps. I’m allowed to be unhappy over the fact that my ovaries feel like they’re being hung on a bulls-eye for target practice at a shooting range. Happiness is vastly different than joy. Happiness is frankly about what’s ‘happening’ at the moment, whereas joy is about what’s inside your heart and soul. Even during difficult PMS or menopausal hot-flashes, what’s deep inside of me is the love of God and His strength. Monthly hormones or lack thereof doesn’t take that joy away. And, naturally, the more I’ve prayed and meditated on this scripture the more I realized that when I’ve read it in the past I’ve usually glossed right over the “pray continually” and “give thanks” portions. Praying and giving thanks are natural ways to increase your endorphins, which in turn helps you deal with physical pain more easily. The answer was staring me in the face all the time. It just took looking beyond my ovaries for the meaning to sink in! I encourage you to pray regularly, consistently and fervently (with all your heart, mind, soul and body invested) and give thanks for His presence no matter what you’re going through on this day. I’ve never heard of one person who later said they regretted doing so. For information on how to schedule Karen to speak at your upcoming event, go to: Today's blog is an excerpt from Karen's book "PMS ~ Praising My Savior, A 28 Day Devotional For Women" Join WomanInspired on FaceBook.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Toilet paper on my shoe...

"We are assured and know that (God being a partner in their labor), all things work together and are (fitting into a plan) for good to and for those who love God and are called according to (His) design and purpose.” Romans 8: 28 (Amplified Bible)

There are days when nothing seems to work right for me. Not sure about you, but when I’ve been up most of the night unable to sleep my brain doesn’t seem to function well the next day and neither does my body. I know somewhere in this mess of hormone surges and hot flashes there is a soul with a purpose. But there are days when parts of me just seem like left-over parts God had in a heap somewhere and didn’t know what to do with, so He gave them to me.

I have no doubt that in His infinite wisdom He does indeed put things together to work out for my good and for His glory but when I have one of those days where toilet paper gets stuck to the back of my shoe and I drag it around Wal-Mart with me, I tend to doubt His plan. I need only seek His Word to again reassure and assure me that ALL things work together and are just right for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.

I know I am called for certain purposes, including reaching out to women who are seeking more than a mundane life. I know that I am supposed to live while I am alive and not walk around as if I’m already dead just because I have aches and pains. So I will gladly take the reassurance offered in God’s Word and praise Him for it even when I don’t feel well…or when I get giggled at by the check-out lady as I attempt to get the toilet paper off my shoe.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Got some praise to go with that tampon?

There is probably no other time period in a woman’s life when her emotions carry her from anger to apathy; joy to jealousy or peace to panic more rapidly than the 28 days of highs and lows in the Pre-Menstrual Cycle. If any of you are remotely similar to the other typical estrogen-filled females God created, these highs and lows, cravings and crampings can take you through times of despair and frustration. They can also bring you to a place of believing that there is no relief, no choice and no freedom from the effects of woman-hood, except perhaps living at the Hershey’s Chocolate Factory as a taste-tester; or opting for a complete and total hysterectomy. And for those of you who have already hit instantaneous menopause via that hysterectomy or who are already there due to God’s natural physical path for our bodies, you can attest to the fact that with menopause also comes similar hormonal changes, hot-flashes, cravings and emotional roller coasters.

What many women don’t realize is that all of what I’ve described thus far is in the flesh and what is in the flesh can be overcome by what’s in the spirit. No pill, no herbal treatment, no organic juice and no measurable amount of yoga or palates can help a woman deal with her perpetual physical changes and hormonal upheavals like the power given to us through prayer, meditation and the unspeakable joy that comes from focusing on our blessings and praising God…even in the midst of cramps, bloating and acne break-outs.

So, in order to take you on a journey of praise in the midst of some of your highest highs and lowest lows, I’ve written this humorous, heartfelt devotional titled “28 Days of PMS - Praising My Savior”. I encourage you to set aside the chocolate bar and drop your Midol back in your purse for a few minutes each day to focus on something other than what’s going on beneath your belly button and join me as we take time out to praise our Savior.

As you take time to praise God, even in the midst of pain and seemingly endless water retention, you will hopefully come to realize,as I have over the years, that focusing on the God-given gifts, love and strength inside each of us garners us even greater amounts of strength, perspective and yes, even the ability to laugh at ourselves through each cycle and season of our lives.

So please join me as I share with you over the next months some of the insights, giggles, inspiration and convicted moments I've been through over the years...that have led me to Praise My Savior, even in the midst of PMS! (Click the link to the left automatically follow this blog.)

Interested in getting a "28 Days of PMS ~ Praising My Savior" devotional for you or someone else? Click the PMS link. (available in softback or Ebook for Ipad/Iphone)


For more information about Karen and how to schedule her to speak at your women's conference or retreat, click into

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