Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Faithful Son

Not so long ago there was a smart, witty, God-fearing boy who longed to be continually on God’s path, growing in His presence, wisdom and love. This boy awoke one morning, hearing the voice of God tell him to rise and go down the road beside his house...and to keep walking. The boy didn't know where he was going or why God wanted him to go; he just knew that he heard the voice of God and he wasn't going to ignore it.

A little ways down the road he felt a strong stirring to try to see what was at the end of the road. As he peered ahead he could see a great and beautiful tree - just the tops of it because it was quite a distance away. The closer he got to the tree, the more he could see of it and even though he wanted to run, he could hear God telling him to walk and be patient. And so he did walk and he was as patient as he could muster up the strength to be. He was also as obedient as he could be along the path even though at times the walk was exhausting. (Truth be told, his eagerness got the best of him once or twice and he DID stop along the side of the road and climb a tree or two in order to get a better look at this beautiful place God was sending him.)

As the road would take a turn and then go around another bend, the boy never gave up...though he got tired, dusty, too hot, too cold and hungry he kept going. Not once did God fail to provide for him along the path. As he walked further down the path, the boy could see the tree with all its beautiful fruit and foliage getting closer and closer. With his destination clear, he knew he had somehow earned God's favor, not just his grace and mercy. Even when he had occasion to doubt God because he would lose sight of that tree when he went into a valley or as he made his way up the back side of a steep hill, the boy didn't lose faith because he knew God had given him a vision of what was to come.

One day the boy walked up and over a small rise and lo’ and behold, there was the magnificently beautiful tree right in front of him. It had gorgeous tender flowers all over it with the most delicious looking fruit. As he approached the tree he began to cry out in joy and praises to God for bringing him to this blessed destination. But as he praised God he heard His voice once again. The voice of God was saying, "My son, this is not your destination." The boy thought perhaps he was hearing wrong but again God said "My son, this is not your destination."

Bewildered, the boy didn't know what to do. For so long he had seen this tree in his sights and kept moving forward just to partake of what he thought God wanted him to have. God spoke to the boy and said "My son, if you will look closely, the path I laid out for you does not lead to this tree. It goes beside the tree but the path continues on...and so must you."

Disappointed, doubtful and angry, the boy refused to walk any further. Sitting, leaning against the tree, the boy began to cry; at first out of anger and then self-pity. He loved this tree. He had come to know it as a sign of hope, a friend, a welcome vision in the distance. And yet, as he sat below the tree, leaning against it he realized that there was no one and nothing else that mattered more to him than God. Staying in this place that he was not destined for meant he would lose out on the destination God DID have for him. He prayed and realized that if this magnificent place was not his destination then God must surely have something even greater in mind for him. He couldn't imagine anything better but he knew what God's Word said. God's imagination and creativity was far greater than his own. Surely God would be with him as he moved forward.

So, resolved to step out in faith once again, the boy got up, dusted the dirt off his feet and continued walking. Choosing to be like Lot, he did not look back. In fondness he remembered the tree...but in thankfulness he remembered the walk and ALL he had experienced thus far.

As the boy continued forward he came to what he thought was a dead-end; but truly it was a sharp, sharp turn. Step by step the boy managed the sharpness of the steep turn. It surely was worth the effort if God had taken such care to create it for him and it was definitely not the most difficult turn or steepest hill his path had brought him to thus far…so in sheer obedience, he continued. And as he finally conquered the difficult steps, he gave it his all as he headed around another small curve. As he did so, the most brilliant scene came before him...far more beautiful than the previous one. He stopped, awed at the beautiful creation he was witnessing. As he looked around, his heart swelled to see that his path led straight to the most amazing tree he had ever seen; bathed in a beautiful, glowing light; perfumed with the most precious of flowers. And then the boy fell to his knees as he heard God's voice say, "This is what I have prepared for you my son...well done faithful one. Well done."

Karen VanderMarliere- McCracken
© 2011 Womaninspired.com

At times we tend to think that we know just what God has planned for us. Or perhaps, most likely, we make a plan and ask God to bless it. Often, we beg Him to bless it and make it His will for us. When all the while, He has a path already mapped out for us. Sometimes He gives an idea of where we’re headed but the challenge is to take things one day at a time, one step at a time but never, ever out of His will or off His path. Thought we may get weary, worn out or impatient we never need worry because our God will not forsake us. He will always provide for us out of His great storehouse. He will never leave us nor abandon us as so many others do. As we trudge up one hill and down the other side; around the sharp curves and rocky turns, His strength and His Holy Spirit will be with each of us. As we seek to walk where He calls us, no doubt we will occasionally get off track, but our quest is to continue on and fulfill His plan…reaching the destinations along the way that He has for each of us. And reaching our final destination…in His arms.

In Him,
