Saturday, September 29, 2012

Beyond the walls of fear

Have you ever lived with a wall of fear around you? A thick fog of fear that you cannot seem to see beyond? It's as if you're stuck there…You know you should be knocking that wall down but you don't have the strength to do so. So you stay within those walls. The walls can even be strangely comforting. You feel secure because they are familiar, habitual; consistent. Knowing that you have the walls of fear is one thing but the idea of not knowing how to exist without them is a whole different kind of frightening thought altogether and so you do not dare break them down to see if you can indeed live without them around you. You do not dare rid your life of them or of the very thing, person, feeling, events, relationships that helped to build them in the first place.

The resistance to break the walls down inherently comes from the sense of comfort in the middle of pain; a kind of comfort that only someone in the same position would understand. To others, that comfort looks disastrous, ridiculous, and even insane…for they see the dangers lurking. They see the future you might likely face if you stay where you are. But you cannot see beyond today or tomorrow. You have become comfortable in your pain – in your fears – because at least you know what to expect then. You know, at least at a reasonable rate, how to successfully deal with the wall of fear on a daily basis. It's your wall. You know every crack, every graffiti mark…every place where the wall has threatened to topple. So you let it stay.

But what happens when the walls close in on you – moving ever closer – smothering who you are? Stunting your growth and keeping you from becoming who you know you can become? Then what do you do? Lay in wait until the walls come so close that all God's light is blocked out completely? Becoming a dark, dreary, sorrowful shell of who you should be? Perhaps you are already a mere shadow of the person God meant for you to be by now. Perhaps the very dangers others see lurking are the ones you live with on a daily basis...and these dangers seem too daunting to tackle on your own and so you stay where you are - comfortable, though not comforted; secure in the habit, though not safe from the dangers..feeling unable to break free.

For many of us, that is our exact scenario. Perhaps the reasons for the walls vary amongst a thousand different stories, but the walls are the same. The story is familiar. The ending all too familiar for many. Will it be your ending as well? Or will you reach up through the last bit of existing light and grasp hold of God's hand – allowing Him to pull you through? Will you see beyond the walls to grab a life-saving hand of a friend and allow him to help you break the walls down?

You have to make the first move. The walls are impenetrable from the outside except by God. You must be the one who reaches up to accept the help. You must be the one that looks forward to the future…who sees beyond the walls to the outstretched hands of friends and loved ones...and you are the only one who can say Yes to life…No to fear….

You are the only who can lean on the Lord's promises that He will never leave you nor forsake you. You must be the one who decides that growing into the child God is calling you to be is more important than hanging on to your fear and to what you wish could have been inside those walls. Letting go of what might have been to see what truly is - that is part of the challenge. You can do that - with prayer and God's help - you can see the truth of the fearful walls you are living within. You can move into the Today He calls you to be in! Saying Yes is the very first step. You can do it…God will reach for you but you must take hold of Him and never, ever let go…
For I am the LORD, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you. Isaiah 41 1:13


Living in fear? Need help transitioning into freedom and faith? Find out if Christian spiritual Life Coaching is for you. Go to
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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Have You Ever?

Have you ever...played that game that preteens and teenagers play called, "Have You Ever?" It's a pretty simple and silly game but with pretty profound effects. It puts more than a bit of pressure on those playing to come up with something from their meager years to brag about and see who else has not done it. It's basically a competition to see who can best the rest of the group. "Have you ever....kissed a boy you didn't know?" Have you ever....shoplifted?" Have you ever...smoked pot?" Not only can it offer a pull towards exaggeration and lying, it can also plant seeds about what someone else might think is 'cool' to do or awesome to try out!

I prefer a different version of the that is filled with hope and lessons for the Lord. It's more of a spiritual enlightenment or thought provoking kind of a "Have you ever.."

Have you ever....
Woken in the morning and gone straight to your knees in prayer?
Have you ever....
Been so filled with the power of the Holy Spirit that you could not contain your laughter?
Have you ever....
Cried until all your tears seemed to be gone? And felt the presence of God with you?
Have you ever....
Been so hurt by someone that your very soul seemed to ache...and yet forgiven him or her anyhow?
Have you ever....
Made a choice knowing precisely that it was the correct one...and felt peace like you had never felt before because you knew God must surely be pleased?
Have you ever...
Spent an hour just reading your bible...for the heck of it?
Have you ever....
Stopped and helped someone without asking for anything in return and not telling anyone else that you did it?
Have you ever....
Chosen to forego your own time, your own desires, your own order to help someone else or in order to give to someone else?
Have you ever...
Gotten completely silly? Danced in the rain? run barefoot in the grass? skipped down the street? threw water on a friend? put food coloring in your pancakes?
Have you ever...
Seen a soldier or a retired military person and just thanked him or her for their service to this country? Thanked them for continuing to fight to allow us to live in a country where we are free to worship our God and proclaim the name of Jesus without the punishment of death or political persecution?
Have you ever...
Loved someone so much that you put his or her needs and wants before your own?
Have you ever...
Had a friend you could truly trust with anything? And proved to him or her that you could be trusted just the same?
Have you ever....
Told someone else about Jesus? Witnessed to someone in a public bathroom? At the store? At church? To your neighbor? To a stranger?
Have you ever...
Thanked God for the good, the bad, the forgiveness, the grace, His word, the love, the family, the friends...that He blessed you with?

If you have not done any of the above, then I challenge you to start with your list today....You will not regret it. More importantly, He will bless you for it.


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