Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Have you ever?

Have you ever...played that game that preteens and teenagers play called, "Have You Ever?" It's a pretty simple and silly game but with pretty profound effects. It puts more than a bit of pressure on those playing to come up with something from their meager years to brag about and see who else has not done it. It's basically a competition to see who can best the rest of the group. "Have you ever....kissed a boy you didn't know?" Have you ever....shoplifted?" Have you ever...smoked pot?" Not only can it offer a pull towards exaggeration and lying, it can also plant seeds about what someone else might think is 'cool' to do or awesome to try out!

I prefer a different version of the that is filled with hope and lessons for the Lord. It's more of a spiritual enlightenment or thought provoking kind of a "Have you ever..."

Have you ever....
Woken in the morning and gone straight to your knees in prayer?
Have you ever....
Been so filled with the power of the Holy Spirit that you could not contain your laughter?
Have you ever....
Cried until all your tears seemed to be gone? And felt the presence of God with you?
Have you ever....
Been so hurt by someone that your very soul seemed to ache...and yet forgiven him or her anyhow?
Have you ever....
Made a choice knowing precisely that it was the correct one...and felt peace like you had never felt before because you knew God must surely be pleased?
Have you ever...
Spent an hour just reading your bible...for the heck of it?
Have you ever....
Stopped and helped someone without asking for anything in return and not telling anyone else that you did it?
Have you ever....
Chosen to forego your own time, your own desires, your own order to help someone else or in order to give to someone else?
Have you ever...
Gotten completely silly? Danced in the rain? Run barefoot in the grass? Skipped down the street? Threw water on a friend? Put food coloring in your pancakes?
Have you ever...
Seen a soldier or a retired military person and just thanked him or her for their service to this country? Thanked them for continuing to fight to allow us to live in a country where we are free to worship our God and proclaim the name of Jesus without the punishment of death or political persecution?
Have you ever...
Loved someone so much that you put his or her needs and wants before your own?
Have you ever...
Had a friend you could truly trust with nearly anything? And proved to him or her that you could be trusted just the same?
Have you ever....
Told someone else about Jesus? Witnessed to someone in a public bathroom? At the store? At church? To your neighbor? To a stranger?
Have you ever...
Thanked God for the good, the bad, the forgiveness, the grace, His word, the love, the family, the friends...that He blessed you with?

If you have not done any of the above, then I challenge you to start with your list today....You will not regret it. More importantly, He will bless you for it.


Like Karen on Facebook - A WomanInspired

Monday, March 17, 2014

Hope in the Almighty

When the air is hard to breathe,
not because of the world outside,
but because of the hurt within,
I have to close my eyes,
envision truth thru God's eyes
and not let the heaviness win.
Like a leaden anchor hoisted upon my chest,
the days' weighty issues
bare the realities of my stress.
Stretched to the bounds without limits;
dashed, crashed and overloaded...
yet with Hope in The Almighty,
my faith has not given up,
given in or folded.

Karen McCracken

Join me on FaceBook: A Woman Inspired

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

When the breath of God whispers

When you feel deeply, its easy to pretend you don't. When the breath of God whispers in your ear, "Go here..." Do you ignore Him? Do you swat the whispers away like an unwanted fly? Or do you conjure up the courage to GO or DO or God calls you? If not, then be still, allow God's presence to wash over you and open up to His guidance.

I've never, ever heard anyone say they regret following God's path for their lives. But I hear MANY cry with regret over the time they wasted not following Him.

Monday, March 10, 2014

A triumphant life lived

Life has seasons to it. Often times we look at what's in front of us and think "Wow, life could never get better than this." or "Whoa, this is the worst time of my life". But we are always wrong. There will always be hard seasons that come and seem harder than anything in the world. But there is always a beautiful season not far off. And if we are mindful to pay attention, to stay open to life's ebb and flow... each season, even the most difficult, will hold poignant lessons and rare beauty that can only be found in the midst of that very season at that exact moment. And what a triumphant life lived, were we to recognize those moments and cherish them as we make our way to heaven's gates...

There is a time for everything,
and a season for every activity under the heavens:
a time to be born and a time to die,
a time to plant and a time to uproot,
a time to kill and a time to heal,
a time to tear down and a time to build,
a time to weep and a time to laugh,
a time to mourn and a time to dance,
a time to scatter stones and a time to gather them,
a time to embrace and a time to refrain from embracing,
a time to search and a time to give up,
a time to keep and a time to throw away,
a time to tear and a time to mend,
a time to be silent and a time to speak,
a time to love and a time to hate,
a time for war and a time for peace.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (NIV)

Now is the time to schedule your Summer and Fall retreat and conference events. Check out