Monday, November 19, 2012

Knowledge is...what???

My brother posted a comment on his Facebook once that said, "Knowledge is NOT power!" He stated this in the face of finding out some disturbing news about someone that he truly didn’t want to know. But his statement was very true. Too often in this power hungry, vanity-filled, idol-seeking world, we think that the more we know the more power we have. After all, if you know things about people, places and situations then you can control them and have power over them, right? Isn't that what Kings used to do? King Solomon certainly did way back in his day. Ecclesiastes 2 finds sad, old rich King Solomon lamenting over all the time he toiled his days away for nothing. He had much money, much power, much knowledge. In fact, he had many people at his disposal who also had much knowledge. But what did it get him? Nothing. All his so-called power, money and knowledge gained him nothing but folly. (foolishness).

Proverbs 24:5 tells us: A wise man is strong and a man of knowledge increases strength. Notice it doesn’t say that a strong man is wise. It doesn’t say that strength increases knowledge but rather that a wise man is strong and knowledge increases strength. We must seek after wisdom first and the discernment to know what knowledge we should attain.

Upon reading my brother's recent comment, this is what my response was:
Amen...knowledge is maddening, deafening, defeating, fleeting, easily obtained, easily bought, easily sold and definitely is NOT power...Wisdom is power!

Like Solomon, I too have spent many a day just toiling foolishly. But also like Solomon, praise God I learned that Wisdom is far greater than money, power or knowledge. For you can have all the knowledge in the world but if you do not have Wisdom to know what to do with it, when to retain it and how to discern what bits of knowledge are useful or vital, verses what bits are dangerous, deadly or untrue, then you actually render yourself completely powerless! The Father wants us to tap into the power of the Holy Spirit and that only comes through Wisdom.

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